Thursday, November 3, 2011

The 4-1-1 On Life Skills Review & *Giveaway*

The 411 On Life Skills by Michele Sfakianos

About The Book:
This is a book about the basic life skills that are not always taught in school or at home. Did you ever wonder when you were getting ready to leave home for the first time, if your parents had taught you everything you needed to know to survive on your own? Did you know how to do laundry; clean a home; balance a checkbook or cook a meal? Were you aware of the different types of deposits required to either rent or buy a home? If the answers were “yes” – good for the role models that you had! Thank them every chance you get! If the answers were “no” to most of these questions – don’t be discouraged – there is help on the way! It is my hope that this book will help those who need it and will be shared with others who can benefit from it. This is not a “be all, end all” book and it is not intended to replace knowledge received from professionals trained in certain areas. As a Registered Nurse, Life Skills Expert and a mother, I want to be able to help out the young adults of today and the next generation to come.

My Thoughts:
This is a very simple easy book to read. It is broken down into sections, so that you can look in any section that you need reference to. This is a good book for a young person going off to college, because anyone else older than that should know these very basic skills. I mean, there are things in this book from sewing, to relationship advice, to planning for your final days. It is kind of all over the place, but then, I suppose that is how it is supposed to be, because these are all basic skills for life! Interesting, quick, and knowledgeable.

About The Author:
Michele Sfakianos is a wife, mother and grandmother living in Fort Myers, Florida. In 1982, she received her AS Degree in Business Data Processing/Computer Programming. In 1993, she received her Associate in Science degree in Nursing from St. Petersburg Junior College, graduating with Honors. In 1999, Michele received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Florida International University, graduating with High Honors. She has worked her way through the different areas of nursing including Medical/Surgical, Pediatrics, Oncology, Recruitment, and Nursing Informatics. She is currently a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant and the owner of Medical Matters, LLC a Legal Nurse Consulting business. In 2009, she received her Real Estate Sales Associate license. Michele has been previously published in both Poetry Books and a Nursing Journal. She is well respected in her areas of expertise.

Buy this book on Amazon.

One reader will win a copy of this book! Here's how:

1. Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
4. Promote this giveaway on your own blog, share the link.
5. Promote this giveaway.

Giveaway ends November 10th. Good luck!

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. following on gfc as jhb
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  2. twitter follower as jhitomi
    I would send this to my nephew who is a college freshman
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  3. I would love to win this book for my daughter.
    I do try to teach her basic life skills,
    but our life has been pretty
    topsy turvy lately.
    Some things get pushed to the side,
    while others take over.

    pjames330 at aol dot com

  4. gfc follower!
    Sara McKibben Lehman

  5. facebook fan!
    Sara McKibben Lehman

  6. Twitter follower!


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