Thursday, October 6, 2011

Waltzing Australia

Waltzing Australia by Cynthia Clampitt

About The Book:
Waltzing Australia was born out of a dream - and a journey. After walking away from her corporate career, Cynthia Clampitt headed to Australia, to start over, to write, and to test the limits of what she could do. Waltzing Australia recounts that joyous adventure. It is a story about change and about making dreams come true. But more than that, it is about Australia: the history, legends and art, both European and Aboriginal; the beauty, the challenge, the people, the land. From Sydney to Perth, Tasmania to Darwin, tropics to desert, city to wilderness, Clampitt carries the reader along on an exhilarating grand tour of a fascinating country. With a writing style reminiscent of Annie Dillard, she captures the essence of the land Down Under and invites others to fall in love with Australia. 

My Thoughts:
First of all, this is quite a long book, but it is laid out as a diary or a journal, so you can read a few entries at a time if you wish. The author does a really excellent job describing the land and culture, and her personal life and feelings. It sort of takes you on the journey with her, and you can envision what she is seeing and living while on her waltz! I say read it, don't give up on it, and once you make it through it, you will feel as if you have visited Australia yourself!

About The Author:
I am a freelance writer, culinary historian, and world traveler. I have (so far) visited 37 countries on six continents, ranging from Mongolia to Morocco, India to Iceland, Egypt to Ecuador, Canada to Cambodia. My writing life and adventures had their genesis in the trip recounted in my book "Waltzing Australia." That adventure marked the "starting over" of my life, and it brought about a true transformation, changing me from a corporate creature who knew only blue suits and meeting rooms, and who never went on vacation, to a lover of wild places who now considers travel a necessity. My interest in culinary history is anchored in a family history of food-related employment and enjoyment and my own passion for all things historical. Because I love history and geography, much of my work is in educational publishing, and I have written history or geography materials for every major educational publisher in the U.S., as well as for the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. However, I also write about food and travel for magazines and newspapers. Of the two books I'm currently working on, one is a sequel to "Waltzing Australia" (I have made several return trips) and one is a culinary history (most people are amazed to learn how important food has been in the history of the world). If you'd like to read some of my culinary history writing - and find out just how formative some food history was - you can check out the Food History section at 

Please also visit Cynthia's Blog and her website.

I recieved a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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