Scrambled Leggs by Sally Franz
About The Book:
Scrambled Leggs is a raucous romp through the hospital system taken by moi, the author, under protest, (not that anyone volunteers to be jabbed and jostled before 6a.m.). From misdiagnosis to MRIs this is my tell-all fictionalized (so don’t sue me the hospital already got all my money) memoir. If you’ve got a terminal illness, have had a serious injury, accident, act of war, or the gout - this book may just give you all the endorphins you need to laugh out loud. Because you are not your condition, you are you. Yes, the shell may be cracked, but I’m still a good egg. (Ok, that may be my next bumper sticker right over the handicapped license plate.) My journey began on a ski slope. Turns out being paralyzed at a ski resort on a Holiday weekend is poor planning. Dang, if only calamity and drama would abide by my Day Planner. But, no! Within days I was subjected to various ambulance rides, a Medivac plane ride (apparently you do not have to keep your seat upright or tray table up when you drop 15K) and wheeled around enough halls to need my tires rotated.
My Thoughts:
This book is very funny, and heartwarming at the same time. I have had the pleasure (sarcasm) of being in the hospital for surgeries several times, and with my children as well, so this book is all the more funny to me. Funny, because it is true. I like the way the book is laid out and the lesson boxes. The book flows really well. I recommend this to a long-term hospital patient, or just for anyone who wants a good laugh.
About The Author:
Sally Franz is a multi-award winning humor and motivational author. She honed her skills for humor on the stand-up comedy stages in Manhattan, NY. She has produced and hosted hundreds of radio and TV shows as well as appearing on the Today Show 3 times, CNBC, The Maury Povitch Show and the LifeStyle Channel. In public appearances she has shared the stage with stars such as Rosey O'Donnel, Geraldo and Brooke Shields. Sally has had a successful motivational/speaking career with clients such as Texaco-Chevron, Intel, SONY, and Yahoo! Her claim to fame is her niche in humor. Especially of late in Boomer-Humor. You can catch her regular blogs on being a Baby Boomer at: Check out her books at Amazon: "The Baby Boomers Guide to Menopause...or how to have more fun than 36 hours of labor" and just out, "Scrambled Leggs...a Snarky Tale of Hospital Hooey".
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I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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ReplyDeleteHayley, Thanks. I am glad I made you laugh. As they say "My job here is done!" If I made you laugh and think, I am a very happy camper. At the end of the day it's what we do with what little we have left that makes life worthwhile. You rock! Sally Franz, Amazon Best Selling Author, "Scrambled Leggs"
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