Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Move, And Other Four-Letter Words *Giveaway*

Move And Other Four-Letter Words by Joan Brown

About The Book:
Brown's astonishingly mobile life - 21 moves in 32 years - shows others forced to relocate that they're not alone in their feelings of desperation and helps them discover ways to move on. Whether for military, corporate or personal reasons, packing up one's whole life in boxes may not be easy but Move helps the reader see comedy in chaos and meaning in mobility. Most Americans move eleven times over a lifetime. And the basic demands on time and energy that stem from earning a living, family obligations and the basics of eating and sleeping continue unabated. Brown addresses the additional complexities of virtual single parenthood, variations in educational systems, dealing with separation from one's spouse and reunion, adjustment to new cultures, emptying the nest and retirement. Move also opens a window on a world totally unfamiliar to many, the life of the military family. For all who relocate, whether military or civilian, Move is a parable of hope.

My Thoughts:
This book speaks volumes to me, being a military wife. Most Americans move 11 times over a lifetime. We have moved 8 times in 8 years. The author is a very effectual writer and tells the story well, and it brings me a bit of - Hey, I've been there, done that. This book can help all families who have to move a lot for work, etc. But I really think this book also brings out the side of military life that not everyone knows about, or has ever really realized. Civilians think of their families and lifestyle in the same range as they think of military, except that sometimes the husband goes to war. Well, military life is much much different than civilian life, and this book shows you a snippet of what it can be like.

About The Author:
Joan Brown is a freelance writer and columnist whose 200 articles on travel, personalities, the arts, and military family issues have appeared in such national publications as U.S. Air Magazine, Woman's World, Guideposts, St. Anthony's Messenger, Alaska Magazine, The Artist's Magazine, Wildlife Art Magazine, Seattle Magazine and numerous newspapers. Her recently published book, Move - And Other Four-Letter Words, is the story of her transition from hating to coping with to appreciating her life as a military spouse, despite deployments, the accompanying virtual single parenthood, and 21 moves. Brown is also the co-author, with artist Margaret Hall Hoybach, of the illustrated book, Colors of France: A Painting Pilgrimage. She is a native of Queens Village, New York and a graduate of the College of New Rochelle. Brown and her husband now make their home in Washington State. To learn more about this book and the author, please visit Hearthland Publishing.

Want to win a copy of this amazing book? Here's how to enter: 

1. Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
3. Promote this giveaway!

Giveaway ends October 18th. US Only, sorry. Good luck!

I recieved a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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