Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Sexless: How Feminism Is Failing Women by Anne Hayes

About The Book:
In the last several decades, the feminist movement has shifted far away from core issues that served the interests of all women, such as equal opportunity and the eradication of discrimination. Today's movement, though it still nominally addresses these issues, now preoccupies itself with an ideology that embraces ideas with which many women do not sympathize, like abolishing marriage and the traditional family and emasculating men. "Sexless" takes a close look at this shift in priorities, and shows how feminism is now working against the material interests of millions of women, including the very women the original movement sought to help and support. In particular, it shows how modern feminism's views on a variety of social issues purges women of their sexuality, as though "equality" can be achieved by making men and women sexless. This book argues that improving the lives of real women requires a new feminism that is woman-centered, rather than sexless. 

My Thoughts:
Though I am not exactly a feminist, I think this book is fascinating. I enjoyed the quotes throughout the book, and the snippets of what real women think. At first I just scanned a few chapters, but then ended up reading the whole book. I think each and every woman has a different opinion on every subject or issue. But this book will make you think about a few things, and maybe make you think differently.

About The Author:
Anne Hayes has written many articles and editorials, and writes a blog at www.redbloodedamericangirl.com on the waning of traditional American cultural values. A former attorney, she resigned from her law career after her second child was born. She is happily married, and lives with her husband and four children in California. "Sexless: How Feminism is Failing Women" is her first book. 

You can buy this book on Amazon!

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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