Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Robin Hood Chronicles *Giveaway*

The Robin Hood Chronicles by Sam Sackett

About The Book:
The Robin Hood Chronicles is a historical novel which makes a half-serious attempt to re-create what may have been the true-life original of the Robin Hood legend. The Robin Hood Chronicles is written in a style appropriate to the historical period in which the events are supposed to have taken place.  It is not 14th century English - that would be unreadable for the 21st century reader - but it alludes to the language of medieval chroniclers.

My Thoughts:
I've always been interested in Robin Hood for some reason, so it was a pleasure to read this book. The story is enjoyable, but it is hard sometimes to read through the language used in the book. It is not so easy to understand sometimes, but the author did it that way to make the story seem more authentic, and you do get the gist of what is being said. An intriguing read!

About The Author:
California-born Sam Sackett received his Ph.D. from UCLA. While a student he published several science-fiction stories. He taught at Fort Hays State University in Kansas, where he published a translation of a Flemish novel, a collection of Kansas folklore, a children's book of cowboy songs, and a critical study of E.W. Howe. He also founded and served as president of the Kansas Folklore Society. After 23 years as an English professor and folklorist he burned out and left teaching. He worked first for a newspaper, then for an advertising agency, then for a public relations firm. By this time he was an expert on career change, so he moved into the career management field. After gaining experience with two local companies, he worked for 12 years as vice president of the Oklahoma City office of Bernard Haldane Associates. Sackett retired in Thailand for six years, writing short stories which have been collected in two books, Through Farang Eyes and Snapshots of Thailand. On his return to the US he published his first novel, Sweet Betsy from Pike. He had heard the song at an American Folklore Society meeting, and it struck him that Betsy learned she couldn't trust sweet-talking Ike to take care of her and that she had the strength to take care of herself. He had been interested in Robin Hood since he read Howard Pyle's book in the fifth grade and always wondered what truth might lie behind the legend. Answering that question resulted in his second novel, The Robin Hood Chronicles, which is a sharply different take on the story.

One reader will win a signed copy of this book! Here's how:

1. Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
3. Promote this giveaway on Twitter using @callansmama.

Giveaway ends October 7th. US Only, sorry. Good luck!

I recieved a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I would LOVE to win this book!!

    I am a GFC follower: Julie Witt

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  2. I like HOTW on FB: Julie Witt
    jwitt33 at live dot com

  3. I am already a gfc follower


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