Friday, June 10, 2011

You Can Do A Graphic Novel Review & *Giveaway*

You Can Do A Graphic Novel by Barbara Slate

About The Book:
Creating a graphic novel combines writing and illustrating with great creativity. It can be educational, exciting and fun. For young graphic novel enthusiasts the process of creating a graphic novel can be a great adventure that exercises their inner artists and makes a great project for long summer days. Barbara Slate, graphic novelist and author of You Can Do a Graphic Novel guides readers through the same process she learned in her early days working for Marvel and DC Comics - a process she has simplified for the classes she teaches and for the syndicated column she writes. The book teaches readers how to:
·         Be creative in a way that works for you.
·         Find your own artistic style!
·         Create characters that get people's attention ... and hold it!
·         Develop a great plotline and write believable dialogue.
·         Lay out pages to keep the story moving forward.
·         Keep those creative juices flowing when you get stuck.

My Thoughts:
I love this book! This is the best "how-to" book that there is out there to teach kids and teens (and adults!) how to create a graphic novel. I know this book is meant for kids, but I just devoured it, and I even started plotting to do my own graphic novel, which I have never ever tried before! The author breaks down the process of creating a graphic novel to make it simple to understand and easy to do. The book is full of wonderful advice and help, plus eye-grabbing graphics in itself! A great book for beginners, or even for more advanced artists!

About The Author:
Barbara Slate has created, written and drawn over 300 comic books and graphic novels, including Angel Love, Yuppies from Hell, Disney's Beauty and the Beast and Pocahontas. She is profiled in the seminal work A Century of Women Cartoonists. She is currently working on a graphic novel titled I got Married and other Mistakes and teaching How to do a Graphic Novel in schools, libraries, and colleges. Her website is

BUY this book on Amazon HERE.

Want to win a copy of this book? Here's how:

1. Follow this blog via GFC and the newsletter.
2. Tweet or FB post about this giveaway.
3. What is your favorite comic from when you were a kid?

Giveaway ends June 17th.  Good luck!

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from Alpha Books and Wilks PR. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I follow via GFC and the newsletter!

  2. I didn't have a favorite comic as a kid. Although I'm not into graphic novels, my daughter IS, and she loves any of the anime graphic novels that originated in Japan.

  3. I posted this giveaway on my FB page.

  4. I follow this blog via GFC and I subscribe to the newsletter.

    kittenishcutie {at} gmail {dot} com

  5. I posted this giveaway on my Facebook page.
    direct link

    kittenishcutie {at} gmail {dot} com

  6. My favorite comic when I was a kid was Scud: The Disposable Assassin. So funny!

    kittenishcutie {at} gmail {dot} com


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