Thursday, June 9, 2011

When Sparrows Fall Review & *Giveaway*

When Sparrows Fall by Meg Moseley

About The Book:
Freedom. Safety. Love. Miranda vows to reclaim them - for herself, and for her children. A widow and mother of six, Miranda Hanford leads a quiet, private life. When the pastor of her close-knit church announces his plans to move the entire congregation to another state, Miranda jumps at the opportunity to dissolve ties with Mason Chandler and his controlling method of ruling his flock. But then Mason threatens to unearth secrets from her past, and Miranda feels trapped, terrified she’ll be unable to protect her children. College professor Jack Hanford is more than surprised when he gets a call from his estranged sister-in-law’s oldest son, Timothy, informing him that Miranda has taken a serious fall and he has been named legal guardian of her children while she recovers. Quickly charmed by Miranda’s children, Jack brings some much-needed life into the sheltered household. But his constant challenging of the family’s conservative lifestyle makes the recovering mother uneasy and defensive - despite Jack’s unnerving appeal. As Jack tries to make sense of the mysterious Miranda and the secrets she holds so tightly, Mason’s pressure on her increases. With her emotions stirring and freedom calling, can Miranda find a way to unshackle her family without losing everything? 

My Thoughts:
What a lovely book. I so enjoyed reading this. The author takes you on the journey with Miranda, and you get to know all the characters really well. You can just envision them and the things happening in their world. There are a few surprises in this book that will jump out at you, but it all ties in really well, and the ending is very well executed. This is an excellent debut for Meg Moseley. I am definitely a new fan.

About The Author:
Although I've lived more than half my life in other states, I grew up in California and am still a California girl at heart. I love vintage bungalows, twisted oaks on rolling hills, and the rocky beaches of the Central Coast. A few blocks away from my childhood home stood a Lutheran church where I came to faith, first through Sunday School teachers whose kindness drew me to the kindness of God, and then through confirmation classes. The Bible verses that had been drilled into my head came to life in my heart. After moving away from home as a teenager, I worked at a variety of jobs, from candle-maker in a tourist town to administrative assistant at a Christian college. I married a wonderful man from Michigan, and we lived north of Detroit for seventeen years. That's where we started homeschooling our three children, a journey that we finished in Georgia when our youngest graduated from high school in 2009. My husband and I live near Atlanta, close to the foothills of the Southern Appalachians. His motorcycle often carries us to the mountains of Georgia, Tennessee, or the Carolinas. Sitting on the back of the bike, I can pray, enjoy the beautiful views, and plot new stories. Fiction makes my world go 'round, whether I'm writing it or reading it.

BUY this book on Amazon HERE.

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1. Follow this blog via GFC and the newsletter.
2. Tweet or FB post about this book.

Giveaway ends June 16th. Good luck!

I received a complimentary review copy of this book through Blogging For Books. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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