The Chocolate Diaries by Karen Scalf Linamen
About The Book:
Ready to Make Some Sweet Changes? Karen Linamen dishes up a satisfying blend of moxie and mocha, sharing stories from dozens of women who reveal savvy strategies for embracing a sweeter life - even while traveling rocky roads. If you’re hungry for more joy, reasons to laugh again, ideas to help you heal, and reliable hope leading to a sweeter future, this journey will leave you satisfied. Funny, transparent, and uplifting, The Chocolate Diaries is like taking a road trip with good friends who are wise about life. And while you’re at it, indulge (just a little) in the quirky recipes for concocting chocolate delights out of whatever ingredients you can round up in your kitch. The road may still be bumpy, but you’ll be having too much fun to care.
My Thoughts:
This is a fun book. I'm not sure if we are supposed to take it seriously or not, but it is a good quick read that will have you laughing and wanting to go eat some chocolate. I like the Sweet Secrets portions of the book with little questions and answers and quotes. This is a cute, fun book that you should read and share with your girlfriends!
About The Author:
No stranger to good chocolate, Karen Scalf Linamen is a popular speaker and the author of fifteen books for women, including Just Hand Over the Chocolate and No One Will Get Hurt and Chocolatherapy: Satisfying the Deepest Cravings of Your Inner Chick. Karen writes, entertains, cooks, and pursues the sweet life with her family in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Pre-order this book today on Amazon, HERE. Releases May 3rd.
I received a complimentary review copy of this book from Blogging For Books. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I am reading this right now as a review book. I love it! When I finish I am going to send it to a friend who is down. A box of chocolates will accompany, of course!