Saturday, April 23, 2011

People Watcher - Challenge Day

I'm a people watcher. I am sure most people probably are. But I mean, I can sit at the park, or in the mall, or where ever, and just people watch and not get bored. Sometimes I am so into it that I tune other people (Jason, the kids) out when they are talking to me. I'm probably pretty creepy. I guess I am just interested in people of all sorts. I don't think I am rude starer either. I mean I won't stare at a handicap person. I will however stare at the weirdo kids these days who senses. I mean, really! I think, what mother would let their child out of the house looking like that? But then I think of my own kids, when they will be old enough, I will let them be individuals too. Makes ya wonder what the fashion will be like in say ten years. We live on a bus line and I am forever staring out my window at all the different types of people who ride the metro transit buses. Hee hee. They probably think I am the weirdo. And, I probably am.

1 comment:

  1. I know just what you mean; I love to people watch too! The best place to sit and watch people is at the airport because of the way people say goodbyes and welcome homes!


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