Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Naming My Babies

When we first got pregnant, it was a challenge to come up with a name that both Jason and I liked. We wanted it to be original and different, but not wacky. After browsing hundreds of baby name sites like Baby Name Train, we came across Callan. The Meaning of Callan: Callan is a boy's name of Gaelic origin meaning "warlike". Of course, being an Army Family, we loved that! Warlike! How cool was that? Especially since Daddy had just come back from the war! So Callan it was.

At the 2-week Well Baby appointment, the nurse called us by Callan's name to come back to the see the doctor. When we got back there she said, "This is the second Callan we have seen today!" Um...what? Noooo! How much of a small world was it that on an Army Base in Texas two newborn baby boys would be named Callan? Argh!!! Oh well. Our Callan was an original!

Two years later, back in Minnesota, we went to the pumpkin patch in October. There was a play area where the kids could run around. So we of course let Callan (and by this time, Mason too) run around and play. Callan can get a little crazy, so I had to reign him back in a few times, and I would call out his name. Another mom came up to me and said, "Did you just call your son Callan?" "Yeah," I said. She smiled really big. "My son is a Callan too!" Oh. My. God. Really? Really? Sheesh. How is that possible??

Popularity of Callan "Callan is rarely used. It has never ranked in a statistically meaningful way, at least not in the US." Well....since every other kid we meet is named Callan it seems, it better start getting up there in ranks! Ha! Maybe we should have named him something like Bocephus.


  1. I LOVE that name! I have never met a Callan. Maybe the reason you keep running into other "Callans" is because it was meant to be for your son.

  2. The latest popularity data for 2010 from the SSA should be released sometime next month, it will be interesting to see how Callan has moved.

  3. Callan is a great name! But I wouldn't have said that about Bocephus!


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