Sunday, April 17, 2011

Garvey's Gourmet Baking Mixes

"Nothing is more inviting than warm scones, fresh from the oven. Serve them for breakfast, coffeetime, teatime, anytime spread with butter, preserves, lemon curd and, if desired Devon, clotted or whipped cream. Garvey’s organic scones are one of life's simple pleasures. Our organic scones are made quickly and easily. Following extensive research in Scotland, where scones originated, we returned to the US to develop the perfect scone mix – Garvey’s Best of Britain Traditional Organic Scone Mix. From it you will easily make authentic, delicious scones. The ingredient list for Garvey’s organic scone mix is short, has no preservatives, no artificial colors, no trans-fats, no cholesterol, no eggs, and does not contain any unpronounceable words."

I love me some scones. So when I got to try this scone mix, I was excited. I knew right away when I was mixing it that they were going to be good. And I was not disappointed. This is one of the best scone mixes I have ever tried, and will use again. The only bad thing about it the scones are gone. Guess I'll have to make some more!

Get this mix and more at

I received a product from Garvey's Gourmet in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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