Monday, April 4, 2011

A Challenge?

I've been doing some thinking, and as much as I love to bring you reviews and totally awesome giveaways, I miss just blogging, just writing, getting personal - getting back to my blogging roots. Not that anyone really ever followed me then or even commented, but I did it for me. I blogged throughout Jason's tour in Iraq, I blogged about our journey to get pregnant, the fertility treatments, the emotions. I blogged about the pregnancy of Callan when it finally happened. I blogged about Jason's military injury and our having to get out of the Army. I blogged about the highs and the lows of my life. The surprise pregnancy of Mason! My life as a mama. And then I jumped on the review & giveaway bandwagon. 

I keep a paper journal for me (and I suppose some day for my kids to read). But I used to blog for me, about me, about my family, etc., all the time, and loved it, and for me, it was therapeutic. I could write about crazy mommy things and find out that I was not the only one who was crazy. Yeah, you have kids, you automatically join The Crazy Club! Your kids - they are crazy busy, they make you crazy, they drive you crazy, they keep you crazy. So anyways, since when I do post a personal blog post now, I rarely get as many comments as I do on a review and giveaway post, which I am sure is natural. I have all these lovely devoted followers, but they come here for the giveaways, right? But....even if you only come here for the giveaways, which is totally fine and I love you for it, I would like to see a comment on other things here and there. Is that too much to ask? I guess maybe the heart of this is that I seek adult interaction, ha! I am stuck at home 24/7 with two wild and crazy busy boys under the age of the 3. Yeah, do you blame me for needing to talk to an adult once in awhile? Ha! So anyways, ramble ramble....I tend to do that.....

I am going to challenge myself - and you - to blog a personal blog (a non-review or giveaway post) everyday in the month of May. I know that is a long time from now, nearly a month....but if you want, start now and end on May 4th....that's a month of blogging. Who knows, I might do that too - start now. That is the challenge to myself: Blog everyday on a personal level. The challenge to you as my readers is: comment on a personal blog, not only on a giveaway post. Hmmmm. I'll probably be disappointing myself on this one.....but at least I am sure I can meet the challenge I am giving to myself!


  1. Hey friend!

    I do like your blog- nice work!


  2. @Caleb - thanks! At least someone does! :P

  3. I try to read you regularly, but I'll admit I'm not as good about commenting as I should be. Especially since it's an issue I run into with my personal blogging as well.

    But I'll make you a promise. Now that I know you're feeling the non-giveaway blogging drought, I'll do my best to comment on all your non-giveaway posts. I may still do a couple giveaways now and then, but I'm in it for the personal stuff! :)

  4. @Amber, thanks. I guess I have not done much personal blogging lately for anyone to comment on, ha, but it is still nice to know there are faithful readers out there as well as my awesome giveaway followers!

  5. I read you too - I just am not much of a commenter either - butI too promise to be better about it. You know it takes guts to write about what is near and dear to your heart and I admire your openness.

  6. Thanks, Wisconsin ;) I am guilty of being a reader and not a commenter myself, so I should shake the finger at myself. :)

  7. I love reading personal blog posts and will try to comment on yours! Yes I do come here for the giveaways but now that I know how you crave our comments I totally can understand your needs! And I'm so glad you wrote this.

  8. Thanks Jhitomi. And believe me, I am so not knocking my giveaway followers. I love to be able to give y'all awesome giveaways! And a lot of times that is how a person finds my blog, through the giveaways, and that rocks! Thanks!

  9. Hi there! Personal blog posts are great. I learn a lot from Moms like you. Keep it up. Your blog is totally cool!

    More Power!

  10. I found that I enjoyed blogging so much more when I took it to a personal level. There is something about just opening up and sharing myself that I really enjoy. Maybe I'm just strange. Anyway, to be honest, I love giveaways, but part of the fun of reading blogs to me is reading about other people and the potential to make new friends. I'm glad you are going to take your blog to another dimension. I'm your newest follower from Blog Frog!

  11. Hey! I used to read your old blog. I loved it! :) I'm glad you're doing this because personal ones can be AMAZING! I think just like anything else when whatever you're doing becomes like a job it can be hard to do...but this personal aspect should help! <3


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

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