Friday, January 7, 2011

Sixteen Brides

About The Book: Sixteen Civil War widows living in St. Louis respond to a series of meetings conducted by a land speculator who lures them west by promising "prime homesteads" in a "booming community." Unbeknownst to them, the speculator's true motive is to find an excuse to bring women to the fledging community of Plum Grove, Nebraska, in hopes they will accept marriage proposals shortly after their arrival! Sparks fly when these unsuspecting widows meet the men who are waiting for them. These women are going to need all the courage and faith they can muster to survive these unwanted circumstances - especially when they begin to discover that none of them is exactly who she appears to be.

My Thoughts: This book has been on my “To Read” list for a while. A war bride book, how could I resist? And I find that lately I have been into historical stories. And Whitson weaves the history into the story so well. It is a story about moving on and surviving. You will laugh, you will possibly cry, and at the end you will be satisfied at such a good story.

About The Author: Writing is something I've always done. . . not something I ever expected to do as a job. Back in the early 1990's when I was home schooling my four children and we began our state history unit; I became fascinated with the lives of the pioneer women who settled the west. Fascination led to research and "playing with imaginary friends." I sent off my first query letter largely as an exercise in anticipated rejection. Much to my amazement, instead of being rejected I was given a three book contract. In hind-sight, I believe God was providing a career for the day when my husband of 28 years would die (of cancer in 2001). I once worried about whether or not I would run out of ideas. Now I am more concerned about picking WHICH stories I should spend my time developing. I'm not going to live forever and I don't want to waste a moment on things that are less than the BEST pursuits.

BUY this book from Bethany House HERE.
BUY this book on Amazon HERE.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from Bethany House.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review - I'm glad I came across it! I'm almost done with the book I'm reading and wondering where to go next... I love historical fiction so will definitely be checking this out!


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