Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Club No One Wanted To Join *Giveaway*

About The Book: It has been the public's perception that Madoff investors were all extremely wealthy and all belonged to exclusive clubs. This perception has been reinforced by the media and the powers that be. The truth is, with very few exceptions, such as Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Picower and Stanley Chais-most were average, small time investors. They did not belong to exclusive private clubs or any other fancy clubs. They lived an average American life; they worked hard, contributed to society and saved for their retirement years. But in the end that was not enough. No one, it turns out, could protect them from the worst financial criminal in history, Bernard L. Madoff. As a result, they were all thrown tragically into one club none of them ever expected to join: the "club" of victims. This is their story. It is the first book of its kind about the Madoff Ponzi scheme, in which twenty nine Madoff investors band together to tell their story without an intermediary, directly to the public and in their own words. Baring private details and exposing the truth about who the real victims are, they don't hold back as to who really enabled the scheme to continue for forty years. The readers need to know what the authorities would rather keep from them, or else they are destined to become the next victims. The book's message is: this can happen to anyone. The authors are men and women just like the average reader. They come from all walks of life - blue collar, white collar- from all parts of the country and at different life stages. These are working class families, ex-multi-millionaires, professionals, artists and retirees. They come from Florida, Minnesota, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, California, Pennsylvania, Texas and other states. They come from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. In short they are regular people, Americans who got sucked into a Ponzi scheme that even the federal government has yet to solve. They all have one thing in common: they were robbed of their life savings by the worst financial criminal in history, Bernard L. Madoff. It is time the public learns the truth. This is a story of financial devastation, of lessons learned, of hope and rebirth. It has been more than a year since the fraud came to light and the survivors are now ready to share their experience and the hard learned lessons with the public. Though the financial disaster caused major transformations in their lives, transformations which are still ongoing, their spirit has not been broken. As one of the authors in this book summed up eloquently, "There will always be meaningful work to be done, more fun to be had and lots more people to love". And in the end, it is the message of hope the authors wish to convey.

My Thoughts:
I heard about this fiasco on the news, as we all did. But after reading this book, I am floored. I feel for the people this happened. I think everyone who has their money in investments needs to read this book, and think twice about where they are putting their money. This is a great book, and I could not put it down, which surprised me. I stayed up one night and just finished it, I was so into it. Amazing what happened to these people.

BUY this book at Amazon HERE.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. Thank you, Alexandra Roth.

Win a copy of this book!
1. Follow my blog.
2. Tell me why you would be interested in this book.
3. Share this giveaway on your social networks.

Giveaway ends January 4th. Good luck!


  1. I follow you.

    This looks like a great read.

    rmccoy1234 at yahoo dot com

  2. I am interested in this book because I was once enticed into a stock management fund. I saw that the value waqs going down and the managers kept saying they were doing great. Things didn't add up and I got out quickly. So I am very interested in how Madoff keep them invested in this.

    I am a Google Friend Connect Follower.
    I tweeted:
    http://hangingoffthewire.blogspot.com/2010/12/club-no-one-wanted-to-join-giveaway.html Giveaway above of 'The Club No One Wanted to Join.
    My Twitter name is Carolee888


  3. I tweeted about this.

    rmccoy1234 at yahoo dot com

  4. I posted this on Facebook
    rmccoy1234 at yahoo dot com


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