Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Untraditional Thanksgiving Dinner by Elizabeth *Guest Blogger*

My Untraditional Thanksgiving Dinner

This post was provided by Elizabeth Cutten, who runs MyCCFinder, a coupons blog helping people find coupons/deals on a daily basis.

Generally, when you think of Thanksgiving, we all think about turkey, football games, as well as passing out on the couch after we eat. While many families tend to fall into that “tradition”, you’re going to find that many people out there don’t fall into this plan. While you may not know of one, you will now, because our family is far from traditional on Thanksgiving!

My family currently resides in the great state of Michigan. While we don’t sit around, and watch the Detroit Lions lose every year, we do things a little differently. Every year for the past 2 or 3 years, we have gone up to a little town called, Frankenmuth, Michigan. It’s a little town up north that is based on a “German” type atmosphere. Here, you can find many little shops, as well as many plenty of restaurants.

Upon getting here in the morning, we will head to our favorite restaurant, Zehnder’s, where will get a Thanksgiving dinner package. Now it doesn’t include Turkey because again, we’re not traditional! Instead, we get Duck, mashed potatoes, asparagus, cranberries and so much more. Are you hungry yet?

After eating, we generally head down to the shops, where we shop. We purchase candies, check out the clothing shops and more. Yes, the shops are opened on Thanksgiving, and it’s a great way to enjoy the fresh, brisk fall air. While this eats up a lot of our time, we always have to end our night at a lovely hotel.

At the Bavarian Inn, this hotel has many indoor pools, a miniature golf course and more. Here, we will play miniature golf, drink a couple drinks at the bar and just chat. While we find it to be very fun, and exciting, it gives us a great time to meet up in one spot, do something unique and truly enjoy our Thanksgiving experience!

I say no matter how you enjoy it, you will find that as long as you’re doing what you think is a “traditional” Thanksgiving, being happy is all that matters. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Speaking of Thanksgiving blog is having a discussion about that tomorrow at 12 noon pst


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