Monday, October 18, 2010

Me & Goji Cereals

"Me & Goji is a dream of Adam & Alexander. We are two friends combining our passions for healthy, good-tasting food, unique products, and thoughtful design: cereal couture, if you will. Our mission-driven company believes in using our resources in ways that benefit social and environmental needs. The IDEA for custom artisanal cereal was spawned while playing soccer together at Northwestern University. forced to live off dorm food and training multiple times per day, we were being asked to perform at a very high level without the proper fuel. Our concept is simple: we took America’s favorite breakfast food, cereal, added better ingredients, and gave you the power to cater it to your specific tastes and nutritional needs. Me & Goji is not just cereal, healthier - Me & Goji is YOU, healthier. We founded our company near the New Hampshire seacoast where we have access to incredible natural foods and a culture that proudly supports eco-conscious business. (And good fishing...) Me & Goji benefits so many different people: both serious and casual athletes, on-the-go moms, blueberry-haters and soy nut-lovers, Saturday morning cartoon connoisseurs and those with special dietary needs. We love it, and we are confident you will, too."


  1. Hey Haley, love your blog and all the great stuff you post about. Good luck also with the preparations for Mason's big day this weekend!

    I heard about me&goji before and must agree that the concept is pretty awesome. However, I was pretty disappointed to find out that the guys simply copied the idea from It's one thing to copy a great idea but I am not a big fan that they basically lie to all their customers by coming up with this bogus story about playing soccer at Northwestern...

  2. I was going to say how cool it is to have a creal with your name on it. But after reading your post, I think it's more awesome to name your own cereal!


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