Sunday, September 19, 2010

Swap-Bot 5 Blog Questions

I did a swap on SwapBot, and it was for 5 Questions For Your Blog. This is from Treehugger. So here I go!

1. What is your favorite scrapbooked page of all time and why? 
I am doing a scrapbook for each of the boys, on all thier firsts. The day they were born, first birthday, first Christmas, first Halloween, etc. It is hard to pick just one. Other than those, I would say pages from the U.S. Army scrapbook I did for my husband.

2. What is the best part of being a parent?
Oh gosh, all of it! It sure can get overwhelming at times, as I have posted about, ha! But then there are those moments where it is like: Yes! This is what it is all about. I love watching them grow and learn, and everyday they discover something new. And it takes me back and makes me remember my childhood, and appreciate all the joys in life I have forgotten about!

3. Where would you like to go for a dream vacation and why?
The Caribbean somewhere. The closest I have ever been is the Texas Gulf Coast, and I loved loved loved that. I think I was meant to live by the ocean. :)

4. Favorite recipe? Why is it your favorite?
For Fattigman, a Norwegian "cookie" They are so yummy. I can pass along the recipe if anyone is interested. I love this recipe because it takes me back to my childhood when my Grandma Hilda would make them at Christmastime. Yummo!

5. Do you have an interesting tidbit about yourself that we may not know?
Aren't they all interesting? Heh. Um....I guess not. I share everything and am not shy about a single thing. Anything you ever want to know, just ask!


  1. I would like to start scrapbooking again...I think it is great you are able to keep one for each of your children...they will treasure it on day...

    april (rainbowafterrain81 comment on my blog swap)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

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