Sunday, September 19, 2010

Button x2

I think I did the blog button thingy right. Let me know if it does not work. In fact, let me know if you even use it. I am working on creating a cuter button...but we shall see. Ehhh.


  1. Hi there,

    New follower here from the Sunday Blog hops. That blog button is cute. :) Would love if you paid me a visit as well. I love new followers.

    The Things We Find Inside

  2. I'm not sure if the button works or not, but I added your blog to my page through my Blogger. :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

Two Rivers Coffee

From humble beginnings in the Brooklyn navel yard, Two Rivers Coffee’s product innovation rattled the coffee industry from the get-go. Not o...