Monday, September 27, 2010

Army Wives Giveaway

The Lifetime show Army Wives is based on a book by Tanya Biank of the same name. I am giving away a brand new copy of the book to one lucky winner. But be forewarned, the book is not like the show. It was hard for me to read at times when I read my own copy a few years ago. And it is not a "story", it is about real life.

To enter:
Follow my blog and leave a comment here as to why you would be interested in this book along with your email.

I will announce a winner on Saturday, October 2nd.


  1. While this show is amazing, I think the book(s) would be even more amazing. I've always wanted to get the book but never did. Great contest!

  2. I follow your blog via GFC. I am not a Army wife, but my husband is gone very often too. I think, the book is great.

    anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com

  3. OMG! My really awesome friend's husband is at OTS right now in the army and i just know she'd LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! I'd love to win it for her- she misses her husband so much, and loves the show "army wife" it'd be interesting to see how the real story goes, and probably offer lots of interesting tips as a new army wife for my friend! She's moving in a few months, once her husband graduates OTS and gets placed, so it'd make an amazing going away gift! thanks for considering me! :) Holly Kupec

  4. Your little linky to follow is not working so about to head over to facebook and follow you there.

    I would love to read the book - I am also an Army wife (Australian one) and although our armies are different what our boys go thorough and the long periods that they are seperated from their loved ones is similar.

  5. I was an Army wife for 22 years so I would be interested in reading this book! Thanks for the chance:-)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

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