Saturday, August 28, 2010


This is my first ever giveaway, so bear with me. I am giving away this book you see above, it is about General Patton. Read my review here: Patton Review. Just say in the comments you are interested and why, and in a week (on September 4th) I will randomly choose a winner! Please only say you want it if you are genuinely interested in this book, not just because it is a giveaway. Thanks!


  1. I love to read and I love to read about things that give me knowledge! I would love to win this book! or

  2. This book sounds like something my 13yo would enjoy, since he's a history buff and voracious reader.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

Empowering Communities: Catalysts for Positive Change through Conservation, Arts, Economy, and Innovation

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