Sunday, April 27, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up - 4/27

I feel like we have been busy, more so than usual! Jason is starting a new job where he will be traveling for 2 weeks to a month at a time. So he has stuff strewn all over the house getting ready to pack for that. Mama and Callan will miss Daddy, but I think the time will go fast if I can just keep Callan entertained. I had to have a cortisone shot in my right rotators cuff, and also a wrist wrap on my right wrist. The Doc thinks it is a combination of Carpal Tunnel and Shoulder Impingement Syndrome. We are gonna try the shots, work with the wrist brace, and do some more physical therapy again. I can not afford not to be at the computer, typing and blogging and my other work. So, yeah. Muddle though!

Callan slept over at Grandma and Grandpa's last night, and then today they went to a big kids fest in Grand Rapids. Callan had a blast! I love small town events. They are the best for kiddos!

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